Successful trading, Kiev asserts, requires an unusual and sometimes contradictory blend of intellectual and psychological abilities, including the willingness to take risks, but in a very controlled manner...
Buy the book"...a welcome addition to Kiev's other ground breaking trading that experienced and novice traders will greatly benefit from." (Futures Magazine, August 2008)
Buy the bookEmpowerment, transparency, and communication, Kiev believes, will provide a healthy atmosphere for traders to flourish and hedge funds to succeed.
Buy the bookA Strategy for Daily Living has helped hundreds of thousands of people since its first publication. It will help you to overcome adversity, maximize your performance and tap into the power of your love to improve relationships at home, on the job and in the world at large.
Buy the bookDiscover the psychological strategies that hedge fund traders use to maximize their success.
Buy the bookOvercome issues such as anxiety, fear, and over-ambition so traders can become more focused and be more successful.
Buy the book"A clear, enjoyable insight into what makes trading success." - Alpesh B. Patel, Financial Times columnist and author of Trading Online.
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